MAGIC SPACE SCOPE - profile with no astrological references - Co-written Tanya Obreza/Eric Biss
The Birth Chart
Welcome to your personal birthchart and interpretation. On the following pages you will find an in-depth look at your own individual character and life. At birth the chart represents a set of potentials, with the contents being added through the experiences of life. As this birthchart represents a map of the solar system for the time and place of your's a blueprint of your personality - unique to you and only you.
Most people are aware of the Sun sign that they were born under, that is, the sign read in a magazine or newspaper relevant to a birthday. However, it's not only the Sun sign that exerts a powerful influence over a birthchart and character. The Moon, the planets, their aspects, zodiac and house positions also play an important role.
Self Identity
But one of the strongest influences of all will be that exerted by the rising sign, also known as the Ascendant. The ascending sign shows the way in which you approach life and helps to shape your self image, general outlook, childhood and to some degree...your health. It also suggests the way in which you are seen by others, or at least their first impressions of you.
Sunrise Chart
For a birthchart with time of birth unknown, a sunrise chart is drawn, i.e. using sunrise on the day of birth. Although not as detailed as when the time of birth is known, a fascinating and accurate interpretation can still be drawn.
As you read through this analysis, you will occasionally notice that contradictory information may be given. This is to be expected, as each individual's character is extremely complex. For example, at times we can be aggressive and confident, and at other times withdrawn and moody. And if patterns seem to be repeated time and time again, that's because the analysis is focusing on a particular and very important strength or weakness within your character.
Future Forecasts
There are two types of forecast - long term events, and short term daily events.
Long term events
The long term events can effect you for up to two to three months, and will occasionally recur during the year. The main thing to remember is that these periods represent trends and it's up to the individual to make the best of them. A good guide-line is to take advantage of the good periods...and turn the not so good periods to your advantage! For example, if you are aware that you're likely to be argumentative on a particular day, then you may be able to divert your energies and avoid arguments or disputes before they happen. Astrology is not a tool of fate - it doesn't rule your life - it's meant to be used as a guide. Ultimately, t's up to every individual to take control of their lives.
Short term events
The short term events usually only last a day or two - occasionally up to one week.
Overlapping events
There will be times when several long term events overlap, and may even counteract each other. The best thing to do is to read through the information carefully, and then integrate the information to create a whole picture for the period.
Timing of events
Please bear in mind that unless the time of birth provided was exact, then it is likely that the effect of the event may be felt either several days before or after the dates given. You will soon notice the pattern by following the dates of the events carefully.